Hepayu Syrup | Liver Protective and Corrective

Price : Rs.84.00

Liver Protective and Corrective

Sanitized Product
Delivery at Your Door
Contact Less Deilvery

100ml, 200ml, 450ml


• Enlarged or fatty Liver.
• Anorexia.
• Hepatic dysfunctions.
• Infective & toxic hepatitis due to drugs, alcohol, chemicals etc.
• Janudice.


Syrup : 2 -4 teaspoonful twice or thrice a day .


Each 10 ml. Syrup contains aq. decoction of :
Phyllanthus niruri (Bhuiawla) 800 mg.
Eclipta alba (Bhringraj) 200 mg.
Boerhaavia diffusa (Punarnava) 400 mg.
Tecoma undulata (Rohitak) 100 mg.
Cichorium intybus (Kakmachi) 200 mg.
Fumaria vaillantii (Parpat) 120 mg.
Berberis aristata (Daruhaldi) 160 mg.
Piper longum (Pippali) 40 mg.
Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) 120 mg.
Tephrosia purpurea (Sharpunkha) 140 mg.


A hepato protective, hepato stimulant & hepato corrective. Protects hepatocytes from damage due to variety of causes such as drugs, alcohol, toxins and viruses. Maintains the hepatic parenchyma in healthy state, helps to regulate liver function like detoxifation of metabolic products, hepato toxins. Helps maintain SGPT leveol and albumin-globulin ratio. Corrects the impaired function within liver, and also related manifestations like poor appetite. Supports early recovery from heaptitis.


• Accelerates metabolic activity & promotes hepatocellular regeneration.
• Induces marked lipotropic activity.
• Corrects sluggish liver, generates a healthy appetite, regulates bile.
• Enhances serum proteins and restores a favourable albumin/globulin ratio.
• Protects hepatic parenchyma from infective hepatitis A & B, hepatotoxic drugs such as paracetamol, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, anticancer durgs, alcohols etc.


• Enlarged or fatty Liver.
• Anorexia.
• Hepatic dysfunctions.
• Infective & toxic hepatitis due to drugs, alcohol, chemicals etc.
• Janudice.


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