Tuffim Virex Syrup

Price : Rs.150.00

• Inhibits DNA polymerase required for viral replication and checks Viral Infections.
• Allays fever intermittent or idiopathic.
• Checks Symptoms relating to fever like body-ache, head-ache, cough etc.
• Brings down the temperature effectively with both curative and preventive action.
• Sustains stamina, does not disturb liver function.

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SKU: SYP-VIREX Categories: ,

200ml, 450ml


Fever of any type, pain in body; head ache and cough.


Syrup : 2 -4 teaspoonful thrice a day .


Each 10 ml. Syrup contains ext. of :

Phyllanthus niruri (Bhui Awla) 550 mg Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy) 510 mg Ocimum sanctum (Tulasi) 340 mg Curcuma longa (Haldi) 170 mg Emblica officinalia (Awla) 180 mg Alstonia schlolatis (Sapta parna) 250 mg Trikatu (A.F.I.) 60 mg


• Inhibits DNA polymerase required for viral replication and checks Viral Infections.
• Allays fever intermittent or idiopathic.
• Checks Symptoms relating to fever like body-ache, head-ache, cough etc.
• Brings down the temperature effectively with both curative and preventive action.
• Sustains stamina, does not disturb liver function.


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