Mensu Syrup

Price : Rs.160.00

A Complete Care for Post-natal & Galactogogue

Sanitized Product
Delivery at Your Door
Contact Less Deilvery
SKU: SYP-MENSU Category:
Weight 300 g

200ml, 300ml, 450ml


• Problems at menarche : Under development of genitals, secondary sex characters, Nutritional Deficiencies : Particularly Iron and Calcium, Emotional Disturbances.
• Problems during Reproductive phase : Irregular Cycles, Abnormal Vaginal discharge, Backache and malaise associated with leucorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea.
• Problems during Menopause : Scanty or profuse periods prior to menopause, Psychic disturbances.


Syrup : 2 – 4 (10 to 20 ml. ) teaspoonful twice or thrice a day (or as advised by the physician)


Syrup : Each 10 ml. Syrup contains aq. decoction of :
Saraca indica (Ashok) 600 mg.
Symplocos racemosa (Lodhra) 400 mg.
Dashmool (Bh. R.) 70 mg.
Withania somnifera (Ashwgandha) 60 mg.
Asparagus racemosus (Shatawari) 55 mg.
Magnifora indica (Aam Guthali) 35 mg.
Berberis aristata (Daruharidra) 55 mg.
Butea frondosa (Palash) 65 mg.
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Yashtimadhu) 40 mg.
Caisalpinea sappan (Patang) 135 mg.
Sida cordifolia (Bala) 60 mg.
Ferry sulphas (Sudh Heerakashish) 40 mg.
Quercus infectoria (Mayaphal) 40 mg.
Devdarvadi Quath (A.F.I.) 130 mg.


MENSU is a well thought formula to regulate menstrual cycle. MENSU is an Ayurvedic combination (uterine tonic) used for treatment of different gynecological disorders like premenstrual syndrome (PMS), Leucorrhea, Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. It is beneficial in menstrual problems problems and their associated symptoms like painful & heavy bleeding and associated mood swings. Helps to correct anemia also.

The formulation of MENSU SYRUP contains ingredients which are excellent for menstrual health. It has Ashok (Saraca indica) which has anti-bacterial, uterotonic, anti-estrogenic activity against heavy menses. Presence of lodhra( samples racemosa) helps in regulating irregular meses, leucorrhea, menstrual cramps and emotional Stability.


• Tones up uterine musculature and regulates menstrual cycle by adjusting ovarian functions.
• Exerts stimulant effect on ovarian tissue, helps regularize endogenous hormonal secretions.
• Exerts astringent and antiseptic effect on the mucous membranes of genitourinary organs.
• Reduces permeability of the vaginal mucosa.
• Immunomodulatory and haematinic properties prove beneficial in anaemic and generalized weakness associated with uterine disorders


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